I have really been feeling the urge to write for the past month while I have been working full time rebuilding my website from scratch to host on Github Pages for free. Once I attached my custom domain to this new site, I worried about not being able to take advantage now of the free SSL I got on Namecheap.com from my purchase of one year of hosting on their servers. Lo and behold, I didn't need to worry because it turns out I can get free SSL on top of my free hosting with Github Pages, and in this blog post I will show you how to do it.
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Web Development Posts
Welcome to part 3 of my portfolio site journey! There will probably be many more parts in the future, but these are the most recent and current versions of my portfolio site. I hope you've found my documenting of my learning journey helpful in some way, and I hope that you start or continue your own!
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Welcome to part 2 of my portfolio site journey! It sure took a while to get this one out. I had some other blog posts I wanted to write, and college just started up again for me. This part focuses on the first half of my Github days when I finally started making my portfolio sites using code.
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I'm always changing the design of my web pages to my liking, and one of the ways I can do this easily is with CSS. I love the theme that I chose for my blog, the Savona Theme by Optima Themes, but I couldn't find any options that would allow me to change the number of columns on my site's posts page when I was looking in the WordPress customizer. Taking matters into my own hands, I found a super quick solution to my problem with the power of CSS that can be done in five easy steps!
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Finally releasing the first video in my series of video tutorials! The Internet has made showcasing your work on your own website a smart move for your career no matter what field you’re in, so in this video I show you how to make a professional online portfolio using Tumblr.com and why I think it could be the perfect platform for beginners who don't want to get their hands dirty with more advanced hosting and development tools! I go over how to upload content to Tumblr, the three ways you can install themes, and briefly show you the theme customizer. In the video I also briefly show you how to change the settings of your blog to make it more professional such as enabling messages, hiding the posts you like and the people you follow, and connecting a custom domain.
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Something all web designers or developers can relate to is the need to have the perfect portfolio website. I am no stranger to this nagging feeling, so I have also gone through numerous iterations of my website in the past three or so years since I took a deep interest in programming. In this series of posts, I'm going to take a trip down memory lane to show you (almost) every stage of what my portfolio site looked like throughout the years - for fun and also because it may reassure you that you're not alone in this struggle to create your perfect personal website.
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Making sure your network of online profiles and sites are named consistently is important for your brand, especially if you are a professional. The process of connecting a custom domain or subdomain to your blog or website may seem challenging for a beginner, but thankfully it's easier than you may think. The most complicated aspect of it is that the way you do it varies depending on your host and domain name registrar (DNR). I only have experience working with Namecheap, so for this post I will be explaining how to connect domains and subdomains from this DNR to my favorite free hosting providers Tumblr, Github Pages, and x10Hosting.com.
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If you're like me, then you probably can't stop looking for ways to make your professional brand look better online, and a solid way to show off your brand online is with an online portfolio showing off your work and projects. Doing this on a budget, however, is probably a top priority while you go through college. These are just seven things I've learned while observing professionals online that have allowed me to make my portfolio sites for little to nothing.
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