Another update for this website at last! I thought another post was long overdue. I have exciting news for a bunch of new projects I have on my to do list. In this post, I'll be telling you all about them.
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I have really been feeling the urge to write for the past month while I have been working full time rebuilding my website from scratch to host on Github Pages for free. Once I attached my custom domain to this new site, I worried about not being able to take advantage now of the free SSL I got on from my purchase of one year of hosting on their servers. Lo and behold, I didn't need to worry because it turns out I can get free SSL on top of my free hosting with Github Pages, and in this blog post I will show you how to do it.
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This was the final project for my Game Design Methodology course in which I and 4 team mates designed a game and built a board game prototype of it. My contributions included the rulebook cover art, some asset art, playtesting, proofreading, and help with game design.
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