My Passion Project Plans for 2019
Published 20 February 2019 in personal
Another update for this website at last! I thought another post was long overdue. I have exciting news for a bunch of new projects I have on my to do list. In this post, I'll be telling you all about them.
DCIM Portfolio Website and Theme Store Update
Firstly, I have several websites I'm working on right now. The first is my DCIM minor portfolio website. DCIM stands for Digital Communication, Information, and Media, and that is the first part of my Capstone project. For this website, I will basically make a one-page template of my current website, so the conversion will be pretty easy. From this, I may start to add website themes for the theme store. Speaking of which, I have already begun setting up a face for it here. Here you'll be able to see previews of my themes that I have for sale (and for free!) once I begin to roll them out.
LOGOUT: A Cyberharassment Resources Website
Secondly, as part of my Capstone project as well, I will be creating a resources website called LOGOUT where you can read up on what cyberharassment is, its causes, the serious harm it can do to someone, how to prevent it from happening to you, and how to deal with it if you or a loved one is a target. My interest in this topic developed after reading about Kiwi Farms and lolcows and the sad stories of victims of mass cyberharassment and cyberstalking by strangers on the Internet. My website will also feature several of the most notable of these cases to illustrate the damage that is done to real people.
Rampage Information Database
While working on my second project, I got the idea of making another informational website. After reading A Mother's Reckoning by Sue Klebold and coming upon by Peter Langman, Ph.D, I hatched an idea to create a similar database but about all rampage attacks and attempted rampage attacks in addition to school shootings. This is a topic that has interested me since 2014, and this website could be something of a passion project. I think it could be a very useful database to understand what led to each attack, how they were handled, what could have been done to stop them, and what outcome these attacks have had on our world. I have not yet decided if I should make this website on WordPress or attempt to pull it off as a static HTML website, but I'm leaning toward attempting it as a static website.
ITI Major Capstone
Fourth, my Capstone in ITI course will be working on an exciting project that tackles a real-world issue. We will be operating like a start-up and building and presenting a product that has both a hardware and software component. I won't be giving out any specific details on what we will be doing because it hasn't been set in stone, yet. But, this is something else for you to look forward to seeing in May.
Super Secret Indie Video Game
Finally, my boyfriend and I will be starting work on a video game probably sometime this year. I don't want to spoil what our game will be about, so the only hint I'm giving you is my new Twitter header! We have the core concept down and have been coming up with gameplay features. We also have some concept art of our playable characters, but I won't be releasing that until we both have agreed on it. We think we'll be using GameMaker Studio but so far have not decided if we'll be releasing updates to the public as development carries on. If we do release updates, we'll wait until we have a nice prototype of our idea to showcase to people. This will be a passion project for us because we've both always wanted to complete a game and use all our skills creatively.
I will make announcements when I have the websites up! My DCIM portfolio website and Blue Jay will probably be done before the end of April this year. The ITI Capstone project will probably be ready in May. The rampage killers database, however, would be an ongoing-project that might cut into my post-writing routine. The video game that my boyfriend and I are making will most likely take over a year to finish, but our first prototype will probably be done by the end of this year to introduce our project to the Web.
As always, you can expect more posts like this each week along with some videos sprinkled here and there on my YouTube channel. Let me know what you think of my plans and share what plans you have in store for this year!