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Liz Lorena


Tic Tac Toe Game

Developed January 2014

This was my first complete game made in the Visual Basic programming language and the final project for my very first programming class, which I took at the beginning of my junior year of high school. It helped me understand programming and game design loops. It's a simple Tic Tac Toe game with a twist: there are two extra game modes. This version of the game has some bug fixes.

Screenshot of Tic Tac Toe Game

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The first complete computer game I ever made was Tic Tac Toe in Visual Basic.NET. I made it for my final project in my Visual Basic programming elective class in my junior year of high school. Visual Basic was the first programming language I ever learned, and I fell in love with what programming was in that class and haven't stopped dreaming of a career in tech since. I remember spending mornings and evenings working on this game tirelessly on the school computers. It's a super small game, and it isn't coded great, but I remember the work feeling like a lot and feeling super satisfied when it ran exactly how I wanted it to.

The final project requirements included adding features to the game, so I had the weird idea of making a 3x4 board and a timed mode for each board. The loop works like this: you type in the names of the two players, then select a board size and if it's timed or not. The way the game worked is that you had to choose who played first, and you had to click to end your turn, which is pretty bad design, but it's what I thought up on the fly at the time.

Second Screenshot of Tic Tac Toe Game

The Take Away

I should go back an experiment with Visual Basic again to see what else I can use the language for and what other games I could make with it because it's a really easy language. I recommend this as a first language to anyone new to programming and because it's super easy to use the built-in graphics called "forms".

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