vplay was made possible by the Spring 2019 ITI Capstone class at Rutgers University:

Mara A. - App Prototype, Hardware, Merch, and Education Research
Asfa A. - Graphic Design, Film, Hardware, and Concept Design
Liz B. - Website and Concept Design
Jessica B. - Project Management
Evan C. - Pitch Lead and Research
Thomas C. - Financials Research
Edel G. - Pitch Lead and Research
Syed J. - Pitch and Tech Research
Sagar P. - Tech and Design Lead
Krusha V. - Financials Lead and Pitch
Andrew W. - Game Programming and Concept Design

With help from faculty:

Richard A.
Veronica A.
Deborah C.
Michael D.
Erica L.
Haj S.
Sharon S.

... and many others!

Thank you!

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With Vplay kids reimagine the screen and enter the scene! It's the new safe fun rewarding way for kids to learn on their phones!

Vplay is a mobile platform designed to provide fun and interactive educational games for children ages 3 to 7. It uses Augmented Reality to integrate with the child's environment. Our goal is to change the behavior of children when interacting with screens, specifically changing the epidemic of the passive use of screens and promoting an exciting and dynamic learning experience. Vplay will provide children with an app that helps parents balance the amount of screen time their children are being exposed to without removing the screen completely.

Your child will learn.

  • Real course material that meets state education standards
  • Levels matched to age
  • Subjects ranging from shapes and colors to math and language

Your child will play.

  • Augmented reality games that blend the real and the virtual
  • Emphasis on physical exercise
  • Monthly prizes, puzzles, and other rewards that unlock more fun

You will relax.

  • Keep your child productive
  • Track your child's progress and whereabouts easily
  • Have more time to do what you want guilt-free

Bronze Plan


  • Basic levels
  • Developer updates
  • No monthly physical prizes, puzzles, or other goodies
  • Curated ads from our partners

Silver Plan

$10 /month

  • Monthly physical prizes with QR-activated levels, games, and extra features
  • No ads
  • Developer updates
  • No monthly physical puzzles, books, and other goodies

Gold Plan

$15 /month

  • Entire course library
  • Monthly physical prizes with QR-activated levels, games, and extra features
  • Monthly physical puzzles, books, and more goodies
  • No ads
  • Developer updates

Connect with us!

Use the form to the right for general questions, business inquiries, set-up help, and account customer support. Expect a reply within 1 business day.