Animal Games Database

🖱ī¸ A Project by Liz Lorena 🐭

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! aka Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer

Posted on Sunday, October 04, 2020

📖 In this sequel to the PlayStation classic platformer, play as the small purple dragon Spyro once more as you're forced to save the realm of Avalar from Ripto and his minions. As in the first game, you can breathe fire, charge with your horns, and glide with your small wings. However you can now acquire new special abilities in exchange for gems, and the timed ability gateways make a return. You also get a super freeze breath in one level. There is less to collect in this game, and you mainly just have to collect talismans from every world you have saved and defeat the bosses.

📅 Released 02 November 1999
🐉 Species of animal: [ dragon ]
📝 Genre: [ platformer ]
🎨 Art style: 3D
đŸ’ģ Platform: [ PlayStation ]
âŦ†ī¸ Developer: [ Insomniac Games ]
âŦ‡ī¸ Publisher: [ SONY ]

ℹī¸ More information:'s_Rage!


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